Tenho NOS e ligaram-me da MEO a tentarem-me convencer a aceitar basicamente o mesmo serviзo que jб tenho mas a pagar mais 20 euros!
Ainda lhe perguntei onde estava a vantagem em mudar para a MEO se ia ter o mesmo serviзo mas bem mais caro e a resposta foi: "mas vai ter uma tecnologia melhor".
Aconteceu-me isso em tempos com a Cabovisгo, e disseram que o contato previa isso.
Como jб estava no ъltimo mкs e a contar sair, nгo me chateei.
Antes disso, por ter reclamado de ter ficado sem AXN durante uns dias, deram TVCine а borla por 1 mкs.
Quando reclamei a ъnica coisa que aconteceu foi terem me respondido quase um mкs depois e ainda por cima a dizerem que nгo se sabia de nada ainda.
Entretanto a maior parte da "carneirada" jб estб a pagar mais 1 euro de aluguer por mais uma tralha electrуnica que lhes vai devolver os canais, pelos quais jб tinham contratado, e ainda com o bуnus de mais uns quantos que tкm a inquestionбvel missгo de acabar de encher o meio cйrebro com ranho.
Tenho NOS e ligaram-me da MEO a tentarem-me convencer a aceitar basicamente o mesmo serviзo que jб tenho mas a pagar mais 20 euros!
Ainda lhe perguntei onde estava a vantagem em mudar para a MEO se ia ter o mesmo serviзo mas bem mais caro e a resposta foi: "mas vai ter uma tecnologia melhor".
A MEO 4G esta bastante pior que a NOS pelo menos nos sitios onde frequento.
Atй podia estar melhor mas nunca justificaria uma diferenзa de 20 euros pelos mesmos serviзos.
Venho aqui relatar uma situaзгo que se passou comigo e com a NOS hoje, onde me senti vнtima de abuso e tentativa de burla.
Antes de mais queria deixar aqui descrito os serviзos que tenho:
- Net 100 megas (120 reais)
- TV com 140 canais (+/- nem sei o nъmero certo)
- telefone fixo ilimitado
- 1 cartгo com chamadas e net 2GB.
Pago 56,30Ђ por mкs.
Ligaram-me para o meu telemуvel hoje а tarde:
-NOS: (identificam-se como sendo da NOS e pedem para falar comigo)
-NOS: Bla bla bla, de que vamos gravar a conversa para fins de prova de transacзгo comercial.
-NOS: Vamos fazer uma actualizaзгo ao seu serviзo por ser nosso cliente hб muito tempo.
-NOS: Estou a ver que й nosso cliente hб mais de 10 anos.
-NOS: Este melhoramento que vamos fazer ao seu plano vai ser muito bom para si pois vai ficar com muito melhor serviзo:
-NOS: Vai ficar com 176 canais
-NOS: Vai passar a ter 200 megas
-NOS: Mantйm o telefone fixo e a internet que tem no seu cartгo passa de 2GB para 3GB.
-NOS: E ainda fica com 7GB de net mуvel.
-NOS: Fica ainda com a nova box da UMA que й muito melhor que a sua actual. O senhor conheзe a UMA?
-Eu: Sim conheзo. Essa actualizaзгo parece-me muito boa e interessante. (e pensei cб para comigo, isto nгo й normal, aqui hб gato).
-NOS: O senhor concorda com esta actualizaзгo?
-Eu: Eu, sim, claro que sim. (nгo disse nada mas pensei, mesmo que tenha que ficar mais 2 anos fidelizado merece bem a pena, apesar de nгo precisar de tantos canais e de jб ter uma net mуvel fornecida pelo empresa onde trabalho, se й oferta vamos a isso)
-NOS: Pronto o senhor tem noзгo de quanto paga?
-Eu: hmmmm, sim tenho, sгo 56,30Ђ
-NOS: Pronto, com esta actualizaзгo o senhor fica a pagar 72,50Ђ
-Eu: Desculpa! O quк? Fico a pagar o quк?
-Eu: Entгo mas disse que me ia fazer uma actualizaзгo ao meu serviзo!
-Eu: Disse que ia melhorar o serviзo por eu ser cliente hб muito tempo!
-Eu: Agora, estб a dizer-me que vai aumentar a mensalidade de 56,30Ђ para 72,50Ђ?! Entгo que conversa foi aquela no inнcio?
-NOS: Mas este valor й um preзo promocional que o senhor pode aproveitar.
-Eu: Olhe desculpe, nгo estou interessado em nada muito menos em pagar 72,50Ђ por mкs, adeus e boa tarde.
Pб, fiquei a remoer naquela conversa de ma da tipa e fui espreitar os preзos que estгo no site da NOS.
Nгo й que aquilo que ela me descreveu й o serviзo NOS 5 que custa Ђ72,50/mкs no site da NOS.
Basicamente tentou enganar-me com a histуria de ser um melhoramento e uma promoзгo por eu ser cliente hб muito tempo.
Й uma conversa para enganar as pessoas que atй mete nojo!
A NOS decidiu sortear o meu nъmero para brincar comigo!
Passados poucos dias voltaram a ligar-me para o mesmo tempo de engodo:
-NOS: (identificam-se como sendo da NOS e pedem para falar comigo)
-NOS: Bla bla bla, de que vamos gravar a conversa para fins de prova de transacзгo comercial.
(desta vez nгo referiram que eu era um cliente de longa data.)
-NOS: Vamos fazer uma actualizaзгo ao seu serviзo para melhorar as suas condiзхes. E com isto vai ficar com.
-Eu: Olhe desculpe, mas VГO FAZER uma actualizaзгo ao seu serviзo?! Isso quer dizer que vгo efectivamente fazer esse melhoramento ao meu serviзo? E que nгo envolve mexer no preзo do contrato certo?
-NOS: Bom, o preзo irб mexer, mas й um valor baixo.
-Eu: AH! Isso й outra coisa, vocк estб a propor uma alteraзгo ao meu contrato! Isso implicarб novos preзos e novos perнodos de fidelizaзгo! Isso й outra coisa, nгo diga que VAI fazer um melhoramento! Vocк sу quer propor! Sгo coisas bem diferentes.
-NOS: Mas й uma diferenзa de valor baixa, estou aqui a ver e vai ficar com mais canais e mais internet no cartгo associado.
-Eu: Olhe, eu tenho 140 canais e nem 10 canais vejo, tenho 100 Megas de internet e se fossem 50 chegava-me, tenho um cartгo com 2GB de Internet e normalmente usa 500MB. Portanto eu NГO tenho necessidade de aumentar nenhum serviзo. E como tal nгo quero aumentar, nem sequer 1 cкntimo, o meu contracto. Se me quiser actualizar o serviзo como dizem que querem fazer, aн sim estгo а vontade de melhorar o que quiserem.
-NOS:. (silкncio de 5 segundos) OK, entгo deixe estar, boa tarde.
A NOS decidiu sortear o meu nъmero para brincar comigo!
Passados poucos dias voltaram a ligar-me para o mesmo tempo de engodo:
-NOS: (identificam-se como sendo da NOS e pedem para falar comigo)
-NOS: Bla bla bla, de que vamos gravar a conversa para fins de prova de transacзгo comercial.
(desta vez nгo referiram que eu era um cliente de longa data.)
-NOS: Vamos fazer uma actualizaзгo ao seu serviзo para melhorar as suas condiзхes. E com isto vai ficar com.
-Eu: Olhe desculpe, mas VГO FAZER uma actualizaзгo ao seu serviзo?! Isso quer dizer que vгo efectivamente fazer esse melhoramento ao meu serviзo? E que nгo envolve mexer no preзo do contrato certo?
-NOS: Bom, o preзo irб mexer, mas й um valor baixo.
-Eu: AH! Isso й outra coisa, vocк estб a propor uma alteraзгo ao meu contrato! Isso implicarб novos preзos e novos perнodos de fidelizaзгo! Isso й outra coisa, nгo diga que VAI fazer um melhoramento! Vocк sу quer propor! Sгo coisas bem diferentes.
-NOS: Mas й uma diferenзa de valor baixa, estou aqui a ver e vai ficar com mais canais e mais internet no cartгo associado.
-Eu: Olhe, eu tenho 140 canais e nem 10 canais vejo, tenho 100 Megas de internet e se fossem 50 chegava-me, tenho um cartгo com 2GB de Internet e normalmente usa 500MB. Portanto eu NГO tenho necessidade de aumentar nenhum serviзo. E como tal nгo quero aumentar, nem sequer 1 cкntimo, o meu contracto. Se me quiser actualizar o serviзo como dizem que querem fazer, aн sim estгo а vontade de melhorar o que quiserem.
-NOS:. (silкncio de 5 segundos) OK, entгo deixe estar, boa tarde.
Tenho aqui uma lista jeitosa de telefones bloqueados.
Jб devia era haver uma app online com os nъmeros a bloquear, para nгo ter de levar com essa gentinha!
Tenho aqui uma lista jeitosa de telefones bloqueados.
Jб devia era haver uma app online com os nъmeros a bloquear, para nгo ter de levar com essa gentinha!
"Odisseia" da NOS para, apуs rescisгo de contrato, fazer a entrega dos equipamentos:
- apуs preencher o documento de rescisгo informaram de que me iriam ligar para agendar entrega dos equipamentos
- ligaram, agendaram dia/hora/local e apareceram antes da hora no local errado. Como nгo estava no local o estafeta ligou-me, ao que eu informei de que nгo era aquela nem a hora combinada, e que ele estava bem longe do local combinado. Estafeta informou que me iriam ligar de volta nos prуximos dias
- como nгo ligaram, e por iniciativa prуpria, desloquei-me а loja NOS do C.C.Allegro, para de forma voluntбria, fazer a entrega dos equipamentos. Negaram-me tal entrega, ao que eu pedi o Livro de Reclamaзхes e registei esse facto
- entretanto passaram "alguns" dias sem contacto da NOS
- esta semana recebo DUAS cartas iguais, em tom AMEAЗADOR, em que tinha poucos dias ou para agendar (via contacto telefуnico para o nє 800 101 991) nova recolha em dia/hora/local que indicasse, ou para, de livre vontade ir a uma loja NOS fazer a entrega dos equipamentos - indicaram-me uma lista de lojas onde o podia fazer, lista essa - PASME-SE, conta a loja C.C.Allegro da NOS onde voluntariamente me dirigi e me negaram tal entrega) ou pagar 250€ pelos equipamentos
- agendamento feito para a prуxima 2Є feira - a ver se cumprem desta vez
- face a esta brincadeira de muito mau gosto, com cartas em tom ameaзador, liguei para o tal nє e o elogio melhor que fiz foi chamar BURROS a este senhores da NOS pois estгo a pedir-me para fazer uma entrega numa loja, loja essa onde eu jб fui e me recusaram tal acзгo.
Mas anda tudo doido na NOS. [:vm)][:vm)]
Acabei de ser contactado atravйs do 932008494 sendo que a ideia seria fazer uma "atualizaзгo ao meu serviзo".
Perguntaram quanto gastava de telemуvel por mкs. Disse que gastava entre 10Ђ e 15Ђ e propuseram a adiзгo do meu nъmero а fatura por 13Ђ com as seguintes condiзхes:
A parte da Internet foi dita meia a correr e ouvi lб no meio a palavra "hotspot".
Questionei se os 15gb eram alguma Banda Larga Mуvel mas a resposta foi que eram no telemуvel.
Sу ao segundo pedido de esclarecimento me foi dito que os 15gb eram atravйs dos hotspots espalhados por aн, ou seja, teria apenas 500mb de trбfego disponнvel.
Completamente ridнculo principalmente quando (a menos que se tenha alterado entretanto) jб tenho acesso ao Hotspot Fon.
Й jб a segunda vez que me ligam em menos de duas semanas para tentar refidelizar mas nгo vгo ter sorte.
Aproxima-se o final do ano e a confusгo do aumento anual e respetivas reclamaзхes. Todos os anos por esta altura, eles comeзam a cair que nem cгes esfomeados a tentar refidelizar clientes.
Tenho uma box da nos(octaltv) daquelas que custam +1Ђ а factura mensal, sу apanho meia dъzia de canais, nos outros diz que nгo tem sinal de antena.
A antena estб boa, o cabo й recente e funciona 5 ligando directamente а TV.
Posto isto, basta ir a uma loja nos e eles trocam na hora? As coisas estгo em nome do meu pai, neste momento nгo estб em Portugal, eu, como filho, posso ir a uma loja trocar a box?
Liga para a linha de apoio/бrea tйcnica e pergunta: 16990 + 3 + 1 [;)]
Й isso que vou fazer, apenas perguntei aqui para o caso de alguйm saber.
Tambйm me ligaram no outro dia para "actualizar" o serviзo de casa dos meus paнs, com grandes "vantagens" por ser cliente antigo.
De resto, mais do mesmo, queriam adicionar telemуveis ao pacote e ficar a pagar muito mais. [:)]
Fico й sem palavras por ainda andarem a tentar vender tarifбrios com 500 megas de internet. SURREAL
Atualmente tenho 7 GB por 8,49 euros / mкs e nгo costuma sobrar muito, mesmo assim a maior parte do consumo й por wi-fi, 18 GB no ъltimo mкs, ou seja para estar а vontade e nгo depender do wi-fi precisava de um tarifбrio com 30 GB de net.
Nгo fosse aquela familia corrupta ainda eu era capaz de voltar. Mas poderei voltar quando sairem.
Essa de ligarem para actualizar os tarifбrios. ligaram aos meus pais para meterem 100/100 de net e acho que 5Gb nos telemуveis por "apenas" nгo sei quanto por mкs.
Eles nem smartphone tem e net sу mesmo para abrir os jornais, gmail e pouco mais (nem facebook usam)
Isto acho que й um abuso dizerem que vгo "melhorar" os serviзos. Eles nem se aperceberam que estavam a renovar por mais 2 anos. Й uma indecкncia o que fazem аs pessoas que estгo desprotegidas. Nгo devia ser permitido aos operadores ou agentes telefonarem аs pessoas a propor seja o que for.
When you use our services, you’re trusting us with your information. We understand this is a big responsibility and work hard to protect your information and put you in control.
This Privacy Policy is meant to help you understand what information we collect, why we collect it, and how you can update, manage, export, and delete your information.
We build a range of services that help millions of people daily to explore and interact with the world in new ways. Our services include:
You can use our services in a variety of ways to manage your privacy. For example, you can sign up for a Google Account if you want to create and manage content like emails and photos, or see more relevant search results. And you can use many Google services when you’re signed out or without creating an account at all, like searching on Google or watching YouTube videos. You can also choose to browse the web privately using Chrome in Incognito mode. And across our services, you can adjust your privacy settings to control what we collect and how your information is used.
To help explain things as clearly as possible, we’ve added examples, explanatory videos, and definitions for key terms. And if you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, you can contact us.
We want you to understand the types of information we collect as you use our services
We collect information to provide better services to all our users — from figuring out basic stuff like which language you speak, to more complex things like which ads you’ll find most useful, the people who matter most to you online, or which YouTube videos you might like. The information Google collects, and how that information is used, depends on how you use our services and how you manage your privacy controls.
When you’re not signed in to a Google Account, we store the information we collect with unique identifiers tied to the browser, application, or device you’re using. This helps us do things like maintain your language preferences across browsing sessions.
When you’re signed in, we also collect information that we store with your Google Account, which we treat as personal information.
When you create a Google Account, you provide us with personal information that includes your name and a password. You can also choose to add a phone number or payment information to your account. Even if you aren’t signed in to a Google Account, you might choose to provide us with information — like an email address to receive updates about our services.
We also collect the content you create, upload, or receive from others when using our services. This includes things like email you write and receive, photos and videos you save, docs and spreadsheets you create, and comments you make on YouTube videos.
We collect information about the apps, browsers, and devices you use to access Google services, which helps us provide features like automatic product updates and dimming your screen if your battery runs low.
The information we collect includes unique identifiers, browser type and settings, device type and settings, operating system, mobile network information including carrier name and phone number, and application version number. We also collect information about the interaction of your apps, browsers, and devices with our services, including IP address, crash reports, system activity, and the date, time, and referrer URL of your request.
We collect this information when a Google service on your device contacts our servers — for example, when you install an app from the Play Store or when a service checks for automatic updates. If you’re using an Android device with Google apps, your device periodically contacts Google servers to provide information about your device and connection to our services. This information includes things like your device type, carrier name, crash reports, and which apps you've installed.
We collect information about your activity in our services, which we use to do things like recommend a YouTube video you might like. The activity information we collect may include:
If you use our services to make and receive calls or send and receive messages, we may collect telephony log information like your phone number, calling-party number, receiving-party number, forwarding numbers, time and date of calls and messages, duration of calls, routing information, and types of calls.
You can visit your Google Account to find and manage activity information that’s saved in your account.
We collect information about your location when you use our services, which helps us offer features like driving directions for your weekend getaway or showtimes for movies playing near you.
Your location can be determined with varying degrees of accuracy by:
The types of location data we collect depend in part on your device and account settings. For example, you can turn your Android device’s location on or off using the device’s settings app. You can also turn on Location History if you want to create a private map of where you go with your signed-in devices.
In some circumstances, Google also collects information about you from publicly accessible sources. For example, if your name appears in your local newspaper, Google’s Search engine may index that article and display it to other people if they search for your name. We may also collect information about you from trusted partners, including marketing partners who provide us with information about potential customers of our business services, and security partners who provide us with information to protect against abuse. We also receive information from advertisers to provide advertising and research services on their behalf.
We use various technologies to collect and store information, including cookies, pixel tags, local storage, such as browser web storage or application data caches, databases, and server logs.
We use the information we collect from all our services for the following purposes:
We use your information to deliver our services, like processing the terms you search for in order to return results or helping you share content by suggesting recipients from your contacts.
We also use your information to ensure our services are working as intended, such as tracking outages or troubleshooting issues that you report to us. And we use your information to make improvements to our services — for example, understanding which search terms are most frequently misspelled helps us improve spell-check features used across our services.
We use the information we collect in existing services to help us develop new ones. For example, understanding how people organized their photos in Picasa, Google’s first photos app, helped us design and launch Google Photos.
We use the information we collect to customize our services for you, including providing recommendations, personalized content, and customized search results. For example, Security Checkup provides security tips adapted to how you use Google products. And Google Play uses information like apps you’ve already installed and videos you’ve watched on YouTube to suggest new apps you might like.
Depending on your settings, we may also show you personalized ads based on your interests. For example, if you search for “mountain bikes,” you may see an ad for sports equipment when you’re browsing a site that shows ads served by Google. You can control what information we use to show you ads by visiting your ad settings.
We use data for analytics and measurement to understand how our services are used. For example, we analyze data about your visits to our sites to do things like optimize product design. And we also use data about the ads you interact with to help advertisers understand the performance of their ad campaigns. We use a variety of tools to do this, including Google Analytics. When you visit sites that use Google Analytics, Google and a Google Analytics customer may link information about your activity from that site with activity from other sites that use our ad services.
We use information we collect, like your email address, to interact with you directly. For example, we may send you a notification if we detect suspicious activity, like an attempt to sign in to your Google Account from an unusual location. Or we may let you know about upcoming changes or improvements to our services. And if you contact Google, we’ll keep a record of your request in order to help solve any issues you might be facing.
We use information to help improve the safety and reliability of our services. This includes detecting, preventing, and responding to fraud, abuse, security risks, and technical issues that could harm Google, our users, or the public.
We use different technologies to process your information for these purposes. We use automated systems that analyze your content to provide you with things like customized search results, personalized ads, or other features tailored to how you use our services. And we analyze your content to help us detect abuse such as spam, malware, and illegal content. We also use algorithms to recognize patterns in data. For example, Google Translate helps people communicate across languages by detecting common language patterns in phrases you ask it to translate.
We may combine the information we collect among our services and across your devices for the purposes described above. For example, if you watch videos of guitar players on YouTube, you might see an ad for guitar lessons on a site that uses our ad products. Depending on your account settings, your activity on other sites and apps may be associated with your personal information in order to improve Google’s services and the ads delivered by Google.
If other users already have your email address or other information that identifies you, we may show them your publicly visible Google Account information, such as your name and photo. This helps people identify an email coming from you, for example.
We’ll ask for your consent before using your information for a purpose that isn’t covered in this Privacy Policy.
You have choices regarding the information we collect and how it's used
This section describes key controls for managing your privacy across our services. You can also visit the Privacy Checkup, which provides an opportunity to review and adjust important privacy settings. In addition to these tools, we also offer specific privacy settings in our products — you can learn more in our Product Privacy Guide.
When you’re signed in, you can always review and update information by visiting the services you use. For example, Photos and Drive are both designed to help you manage specific types of content you’ve saved with Google.
We also built a place for you to review and control information saved in your Google Account. Your Google Account includes:
Decide what types of activity you’d like saved in your account. For example, you can turn on Location History if you want traffic predictions for your daily commute, or you can save your YouTube Watch History to get better video suggestions.
Manage your preferences about the ads shown to you on Google and on sites and apps that partner with Google to show ads. You can modify your interests, choose whether your personal information is used to make ads more relevant to you, and turn on or off certain advertising services.
Control what others see about you across Google services.
Choose whether your name and photo appear next to your activity, like reviews and recommendations, that appear in ads.
My Activity allows you to review and control data that’s created when you use Google services, like searches you’ve done or your visits to Google Play. You can browse by date and by topic, and delete part or all of your activity.
Google Dashboard allows you to manage information associated with specific products.
Manage your contact information, such as your name, email, and phone number.
When you’re signed out, you can manage information associated with your browser or device, including:
You can export a copy of content in your Google Account if you want to back it up or use it with a service outside of Google.
You can also request to remove content from specific Google services based on applicable law.
And finally, Inactive Account Manager allows you to give someone else access to parts of your Google Account in case you’re unexpectedly unable to use your account.
There are other ways to control the information Google collects whether or not you’re signed in to a Google Account, including:
Many of our services let you share information with other people, and you have control over how you share. For example, you can share videos on YouTube publicly or you can decide to keep your videos private. Remember, when you share information publicly, your content may become accessible through search engines, including Google Search.
When you’re signed in and interact with some Google services, like leaving comments on a YouTube video or reviewing an app in Play, your name and photo appear next to your activity. We may also display this information in ads depending on your Shared endorsements setting.
We do not share your personal information with companies, organizations, or individuals outside of Google except in the following cases:
We’ll share personal information outside of Google when we have your consent. For example, if you use Google Home to make a reservation through a booking service, we’ll get your permission before sharing your name or phone number with the restaurant. We’ll ask for your explicit consent to share any sensitive personal information.
If you’re a student or work for an organization that uses Google services, your domain administrator and resellers who manage your account will have access to your Google Account. They may be able to:
We provide personal information to our affiliates and other trusted businesses or persons to process it for us, based on our instructions and in compliance with our Privacy Policy and any other appropriate confidentiality and security measures. For example, we use service providers to help us with customer support.
We will share personal information outside of Google if we have a good-faith belief that access, use, preservation, or disclosure of the information is reasonably necessary to:
We may share non-personally identifiable information publicly and with our partners — like publishers, advertisers, developers, or rights holders. For example, we share information publicly to show trends about the general use of our services. We also allow specific partners to collect information from your browser or device for advertising and measurement purposes using their own cookies or similar technologies.
If Google is involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets, we’ll continue to ensure the confidentiality of your personal information and give affected users notice before personal information is transferred or becomes subject to a different privacy policy.
We build security into our services to protect your information
All Google products are built with strong security features that continuously protect your information. The insights we gain from maintaining our services help us detect and automatically block security threats from ever reaching you. And if we do detect something risky that we think you should know about, we’ll notify you and help guide you through steps to stay better protected.
We work hard to protect you and Google from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction of information we hold, including:
You can export a copy of your information or delete it from your Google Account at any time
You can export a copy of content in your Google Account if you want to back it up or use it with a service outside of Google.
We retain the data we collect for different periods of time depending on what it is, how we use it, and how you configure your settings:
When you delete data, we follow a deletion process to make sure that your data is safely and completely removed from our servers or retained only in anonymized form. We try to ensure that our services protect information from accidental or malicious deletion. Because of this, there may be delays between when you delete something and when copies are deleted from our active and backup systems.
You can read more about Google’s data retention periods, including how long it takes us to delete your information.
We regularly review this Privacy Policy and make sure that we process your information in ways that comply with it.
We maintain servers around the world and your information may be processed on servers located outside of the country where you live. Data protection laws vary among countries, with some providing more protection than others. Regardless of where your information is processed, we apply the same protections described in this policy. We also comply with certain legal frameworks relating to the transfer of data.
When we receive formal written complaints, we respond by contacting the person who made the complaint. We work with the appropriate regulatory authorities, including local data protection authorities, to resolve any complaints regarding the transfer of your data that we cannot resolve with you directly.
This Privacy Policy applies to all of the services offered by Google LLC and its affiliates, including YouTube, Android, and services offered on third-party sites, such as advertising services. This Privacy Policy doesn’t apply to services that have separate privacy policies that do not incorporate this Privacy Policy.
We change this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will not reduce your rights under this Privacy Policy without your explicit consent. We always indicate the date the last changes were published and we offer access to archived versions for your review. If changes are significant, we’ll provide a more prominent notice (including, for certain services, email notification of Privacy Policy changes).
The following privacy notices provide additional information about some Google services:
The following links highlight useful resources for you to learn more about our practices and privacy settings.
An affiliate is an entity that belongs to the Google group of companies, including the following companies that provide consumer services in the EU: Google Ireland Limited, Google Commerce Ltd, Google Payment Corp, and Google Dialer Inc. Learn more about the companies providing business services in the EU.
A process or set of rules followed by a computer in performing problem-solving operations.
An application data cache is a data repository on a device. It can, for example, enable a web application to run without an internet connection and improve the performance of the application by enabling faster loading of content.
Browser web storage enables websites to store data in a browser on a device. When used in "local storage" mode, it enables data to be stored across sessions. This makes data retrievable even after a browser has been closed and reopened. One technology that facilitates web storage is HTML 5.
A cookie is a small file containing a string of characters that is sent to your computer when you visit a website. When you visit the site again, the cookie allows that site to recognize your browser. Cookies may store user preferences and other information. You can configure your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, some website features or services may not function properly without cookies. Learn more about how Google uses cookies and how Google uses data, including cookies, when you use our partners' sites or apps.
A device is a computer that can be used to access Google services. For example, desktop computers, tablets, smart speakers, and smartphones are all considered devices.
You may access some of our services by signing up for a Google Account and providing us with some personal information (typically your name, email address, and a password). This account information is used to authenticate you when you access Google services and protect your account from unauthorized access by others. You can edit or delete your account at any time through your Google Account settings.
Every device connected to the Internet is assigned a number known as an Internet protocol (IP) address. These numbers are usually assigned in geographic blocks. An IP address can often be used to identify the location from which a device is connecting to the Internet.
This is information that is recorded about users so that it no longer reflects or references an individually-identifiable user.
This is information that you provide to us which personally identifies you, such as your name, email address, or billing information, or other data that can be reasonably linked to such information by Google, such as information we associate with your Google Account.
A pixel tag is a type of technology placed on a website or within the body of an email for the purpose of tracking certain activity, such as views of a website or when an email is opened. Pixel tags are often used in combination with cookies.
A Referrer URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is information transmitted to a destination webpage by a web browser, typically when you click a link to that page. The Referrer URL contains the URL of the last webpage the browser visited.
This is a particular category of personal information relating to topics such as confidential medical facts, racial or ethnic origins, political or religious beliefs, or sexuality.
Like most websites, our servers automatically record the page requests made when you visit our sites. These “server logs” typically include your web request, Internet Protocol address, browser type, browser language, the date and time of your request, and one or more cookies that may uniquely identify your browser.
A typical log entry for a search for “cars” looks like this:
A unique identifier is a string of characters that can be used to uniquely identify a browser, app, or device. Different identifiers vary in how permanent they are, whether they can be reset by users, and how they can be accessed.
Unique identifiers can be used for various purposes, including security and fraud detection, syncing services such as your email inbox, remembering your preferences, and providing personalized advertising. For example, unique identifiers stored in cookies help sites display content in your browser in your preferred language. You can configure your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. Learn more about how Google uses cookies.
On other platforms besides browsers, unique identifiers are used to recognize a specific device or app on that device. For example, a unique identifier such as the Advertising ID is used to provide relevant advertising on Android devices, and can be managed in your device’s settings. Unique identifiers may also be incorporated into a device by its manufacturer (sometimes called a universally unique ID or UUID), such as the IMEI-number of a mobile phone. For example, a device’s unique identifier can be used to customize our service to your device or analyze device issues related to our services.
For example, if you watch videos about baking on YouTube, you may see more ads that relate to baking as you browse the web. We also may use your IP address to determine your approximate location, so that we can serve you ads for a nearby pizza delivery service if you search for “pizza.” Learn more about Google ads and why you may see particular ads.
For example, advertisers may upload data from their loyalty-card programs so that they can better understand the performance of their ad campaigns. We only provide aggregated reports to advertisers that don’t reveal information about individual people.
Android devices with Google apps include devices sold by Google or one of our partners and include phones, cameras, vehicles, wearables, and televisions. These devices use Google Play Services and other pre-installed apps that include services like Gmail, Maps, your phone’s camera and phone dialer, text-to-speech conversion, keyboard input, and security features.
Some examples of how we combine the information we collect include:
For example, when you’re signed in to your Google Account and have the Web & App Activity control enabled, you can get more relevant search results that are based on your previous searches and activity from other Google services. You can learn more here. You may also get customized search results even when you’re signed out. If you don’t want this level of search customization, you can search and browse privately or turn off signed-out search personalization.
Examples of how we use your information to deliver our services include:
When we detect spam, malware, illegal content, and other forms of abuse on our systems in violation of our policies, we may disable your account or take other appropriate action. In certain circumstances, we may also report the violation to appropriate authorities.
For example, we can use information from your devices to help you decide which device you’d like to use to install an app or view a movie you buy from Google Play. We also use this information to help protect your account.
For example, we analyze how people interact with advertising to improve the performance of our ads.
For example, we continuously monitor our systems to look for problems. And if we find something wrong with a specific feature, reviewing activity information collected before the problem started allows us to fix things more quickly.
If you use Google’s Location services on Android, we can improve the performance of apps that rely on your location, like Google Maps. If you use Google’s Location services, your device sends information to Google about its location, sensors (like accelerometer), and nearby cell towers and Wi-Fi access points (like MAC address and signal strength). All these things help to determine your location. You can use your device settings to enable Google Location services. Learn more
Like other technology and communications companies, Google regularly receives requests from governments and courts around the world to disclose user data. Respect for the privacy and security of data you store with Google underpins our approach to complying with these legal requests. Our legal team reviews each and every request, regardless of type, and we frequently push back when a request appears to be overly broad or doesn’t follow the correct process. Learn more in our Transparency Report.
For example, we use cookies to analyze how people interact with our services. And that analysis can help us build better products. For example, it may help us discover that it’s taking people too long to complete a certain task or that they have trouble finishing steps at all. We can then redesign that feature and improve the product for everyone.
Google Analytics relies on first-party cookies, which means the cookies are set by the Google Analytics customer. Using our systems, data generated through Google Analytics can be linked by the Google Analytics customer and by Google to third-party cookies that are related to visits to other websites. For example, an advertiser may want to use its Google Analytics data to create more relevant ads, or to further analyze its traffic. Learn more
There are over 2 million non-Google websites and apps that partner with Google to show ads. Learn more
For example, if you add a credit card or other payment method to your Google Account, you can use it to buy things across our services, like apps in the Play Store. We may also ask for other information, like a business tax ID, to help process your payment. In some cases, we may also need to verify your identity and may ask you for information to do this.
We may also use payment information to verify that you meet age requirements, if, for example, you enter an incorrect birthday indicating you’re not old enough to have a Google Account. Learn more
You may also see personalized ads based on information from the advertiser. If you shopped on an advertiser's website, for example, they can use that visit information to show you ads. Learn more
If you add your phone number to your account, it can be used for different purposes across Google services, depending on your settings. For example, your phone number can be used to help you access your account if you forget your password, help people find and connect with you, and make the ads you see more relevant to you. Learn more
For example, information about security threats can help us notify you if we think your account has been compromised (at which point we can help you take steps to protect your account).
For example, we may collect information that’s publicly available online or from other public sources to help train Google’s language models and build features like Google Translate.
For example, we use a cookie called ‘lbcs’ that makes it possible for you to open many Google Docs in one browser. Blocking this cookie would prevent Google Docs from working as expected. Learn more
Some examples of how we use your information to help keep our services safe and reliable include:
When showing you personalized ads, we use topics that we think might be of interest to you based on your activity. For example, you may see ads for things like "Cooking and Recipes" or "Air Travel.” We don’t use topics or show personalized ads based on sensitive categories like race, religion, sexual orientation, or health. And we require the same from advertisers that use our services.
Your device may have sensors that can be used to better understand your location and movement. For example, an accelerometer can be used to determine your speed and a gyroscope to figure out your direction of travel.
For example, we operate data centers located around the world to help keep our products continuously available for users.
When lots of people start searching for something, it can provide useful information about particular trends at that time. Google Trends samples Google web searches to estimate the popularity of searches over a certain period of time and shares those results publicly in aggregated terms. Learn more
For example, you can delete your blog from Blogger or a Google Site you own from Google Sites. You can also delete reviews you’ve left on apps, games, and other content in the Play Store.
For example, we allow YouTube creators and advertisers to work with measurement companies to learn about the audience of their YouTube videos or ads, using cookies or similar technologies. Another example is merchants on our shopping pages, who use cookies to understand how many different people see their product listings. Learn more about these partners and how they use your information.
Your Chrome browsing history is only saved to your account if you’ve enabled Chrome synchronization with your Google Account. Learn more
For example, when you type an address in the To, Cc, or Bcc field of an email you're composing, Gmail will suggest addresses based on the people you contact most frequently.
For example, we process your information to report use statistics to rights holders about how their content was used in our services. We may also process your information if people search for your name and we display search results for sites containing publicly available information about you.
For example, we collect information about views and interactions with ads so we can provide aggregated reports to advertisers, like telling them whether we served their ad on a page and whether the ad was likely seen by a viewer. We may also measure other interactions, such as how you move your mouse over an ad or if you interact with the page on which the ad appears.
This activity might come from your use of Google services, like from syncing your account with Chrome or your visits to sites and apps that partner with Google. Many websites and apps partner with Google to improve their content and services. For example, a website might use our advertising services (like AdSense) or analytics tools (like Google Analytics), or it might embed other content (such as videos from YouTube). These services may share information about your activity with Google and, depending on your account settings and the products in use (for instance, when a partner uses Google Analytics in conjunction with our advertising services), this data may be associated with your personal information.
Learn more about how Google uses data when you use our partners' sites or apps.
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A Nova ISUZU D-MAX leva-o ao seu destino com a máxima confiança e economia!
A Nova ISUZU D-MAX é um testemunho da liderança da ISUZU na construção e inovação tecnológica em motores Diesel, estreando em Portugal o novíssimo motor Turbo de 164 CV e um binário de 360 NM entre as 2.000-2.500RPM.
A Nova ISUZU D-Max alia o avanço tecnológico a um estilo e design totalmente renovado, robusto mas elegante. Os engenheiros da ISUZU adoptaram as últimas inovações tecnológicas na Nova ISUZU D-Max, que se traduziram num chassis mais resistente e seguro, uma nova suspensão e uma nova transmissão, seja manual ou automática. Estes avanços tecnológicos permitem uma performance optimizada e empolgante em qualquer tipo de terreno ou utilização.
A par do novo design exterior e interior, a nova D-MAX destaca-se também pelo novo acabamento de cabine, por um maior espaço interior e pela qualidade e ergonomia dos materiais utilizados, que vêm revolucionar o segmento das pick ups.
Nas versões LS, de Lazer, destaca-se ainda o upgrade ao nível de equipamentos de conforto e conveniência que colocam, em conjunto, a nova ISUZU D-Max num patamar nunca antes alcançado.
A renovação de design foi total, com linhas mais modernas, ópticas traseiras integradas na carroçaria e novos elementos de estilo como as luzes diurnas " Day Light Running”. Também a grelha frontal e o capot foram modificados conferindo mais estilo e melhorando as condições de segurança e aerodinâmica. O formato e envolvência dos novos faróis de nevoeiro e as luzes traseiras LED completam os elementos de estilo e conferem à nova D-MAX uma aparência incrível, inconfundível, segura e desportiva!
Estas novas linhas mais aerodinâmicas, estudadas e desenvolvidas sobre o "Japan Railway Technical Research Institute", permitem a par de um design fluído e moderno uma poupança nos consumos de combustível.
Faróis de nevoeiro
Os faróis de nevoeiro dianteiros reforçam o estilo "go-anywhere" ao mesmo tempo que melhoram a visibilidade em condições meteorológicas adversas.
Ópticas dianteiras
De grandes proporções, permitem uma visibilidade total a longas distâncias para maior confiança e segurança do condutor, com um estilo claramente desportivo e musculado.
Jantes de liga leve
O design moderno das jantes de liga leve de 18" reforçam a imagem agressiva da ISUZU D-Max ao mesmo tempo que melhoram as sua performance.
Retrovisores exteriores
De grandes proporções e com luzes de piscas incorporados, aliam o design ao conforto do manuseamento eléctrico.
A Nova ISUZU D-Max estabelece novas e surpreendentes quotas de espaço do habitáculo, nas suas várias medidas internas, conjugando-os com um conforto ao nível do que melhor se oferece na indústria. Todo o design das funcionalidades e equipamentos, para além de apetecível é funcional e ergonómico. Desde o novo painel de instrumentos, até ao enquadramento dos botões de comando espalhados pelo interior são inteligentemente distribuídos para benefício do condutor e passageiros.
A nova consola que incorpora o sistema áudio de última geração e os comandos do ar condicionado automático facilitam o manuseamento e promovem o bom ambiente a bordo
Ar Condicionado Automático
de fácil localização, permite o controlo absoluto da temperatura a bordo.
Sistema Áudio de 7”
Novo sistema áudio original, com ecrã de 7” e sistema de som até 8 colunas, incluindo duas colunas de tecto. Em conjugação com os dois Tweeters posicionados nas extremidades do painel, facilmente encontrará a acústica interior ao mesmo tempo que se acede ao Bluetooth, SD, USB/AUX e ligações iPod e iPhone.
Camara de estacionamento traseira
A Nova Camara de auxílio ao estacionamento, ajuda nas manobras mais complexas, acrescendo a segurança da Nova D-Max e encontra-se elegantemente posicionada na porta da caixa de carga.
Novos Bancos Dianteiros
Os novos bancos dianteiros proporcionam mais segurança e um conforto impar aos seus ocupantes, fornecendo maior apoio lateral. O toque suave da pele e o aquecimento dos bancos conferem uma sensação de luxo e bem-estar, assim como a possibilidade de regulação eléctrica das posições para condutor e passageiro.
Luzes Diurnas LED
Pensadas e desenhadas para facilitar o reconhecimento por parte dos outros condutores, conferindo também um aspecto tecnológico e ao mesmo tempo elegante.
Controlo de Estabilidade
Para além do ABS de 3 canais e 4 sensores que assegura uma travagem linear em situações de emergência e o sistema computorizado EBD (Electronic Brakeforce Distribution) que distribui a força de travagem pelas rodas, independentemente do número de passageiros ou da carga transportada, o ESC (Controlo de estabilidade) vêm agora dotado de série com a mais alta tecnologia onde se incluem funcionalidades como o HAC - Hill Assist Control e o HDC - Hill Descend Control, que auxiliam automaticamente a condução e a segurança em zonas de maior declive.
Chassis Reforçado
O habitáculo da ISUZU D- Max é um local extremamente seguro graças a um conjunto de equipamentos especialmente concebidos para a protecção dos ocupantes. A construção da carroçaria assenta num chassis reforçado com zonas de deformação à frente e atrás, zona central reforçada, barras anti-intrusão em todas as portas e pára-choques frontal reforçado, o que maximiza a absorção de impactos em todas as direcções.
Outros Componentes
A completar o vasto leque de dispositivos de segurança activa e passiva, a Nova D-Max dispõe ainda de coluna de direcção colapsável, cintos de segurança dianteiros e traseiros ELR de 3 pontos e um sistema de 6 Airbag SRS (airbag frontal, condutor e passageiro, laterias e tejadilho).
Outras características que contribuem para uma condução segura são os enormes pára-brisas e escovas limpa-vidros, as ópticas mais potentes, o fecho de segurança das portas e ainda um confortável e ergonómico habitáculo com instrumentos facilmente visíveis e assentos muito confortáveis, que ajudam a reduzir a fadiga ao volante.
Novo Motor Turbo Common Rail Diesel 1.9 CRD
Com a sua já excepcional eficiência de combustível melhorada em 14%, o novo motor diesel com Turbo VSG debita 164 cavalos de potência com um binário de 360 Nm entre as 2.000 e as 2.500 RPM, garantindo uma abundância de potência e um binário alto de curva plana, permitindo arrancar facilmente em qualquer circunstância. A tecnologia aplicada ao Novo motor também reduz o Ruido e torna-o cumpridor das mais recentes normas Euro 6, sem a necessidade de adição de Adblue.
Este novo motor encontra-se ao nível dos melhores motores diesel do mundo. Os modelos 4WD oferecem também uma capacidade excepcional de reboque até 3.500 Kg.
Nova Caixa Manual de 6 Velocidades
Os utilizadores mais exigentes apreciarão o modo como esta nova caixa de 6 velocidades, de comando super suave, consegue utilizar toda a banda de rotações do motor numa condução dinâmica, tanto na estrada como fora dela.
Nova Suspensão para todas as condições
A D-MAX surge nesta geração com um novo chassis mais largo para aumentar a estabilidade, e mais comprido para melhoramento do comportamento. A nova suspensão garante a combinação perfeita entre segurança, estabilidade e suavidade em qualquer terreno, o que lhe confere um conforto de condução fora do comum e capacidades fora de estrada como nenhuma outra.
Acionamento automático "shift-on-the-fly"
Com o sistema "Shift on the fly", a passagem de duas para quatro rodas motrizes é conseguida com um simples movimento do seletor de tração. Os três modos de tracção, (2H-4H-4L), são controlados por um comando único ergonomicamente localizado na consola central.
O diferencial de escorregamento electronicamente limitado garante um melhor controlo do veículo quando se conduz em condições de piso pouco aderente.
Patim de protecção dianteiro
O patim de protecção dianteiro protege os órgãos mecânicos vitais em utilização severa fora da estrada.
Elevada distância ao solo
A elevada distância ao solo ajuda a proteger a parte inferior do veículo em utilização intensiva fora de estrada. Grandes ângulos de ataque e saída permitem passagens suaves sobre a maioria dos obstáculos.
A ISUZU D-Max pode ser conduzida em segurança em inclinação lateral com declives até 49 graus.
Para as mais árduas tarefas
A Nova ISUZU D-MAX é o veículo de trabalho perfeito. A caixa tem uma dupla camada de aço, para ajudar nos mais árduos trabalhos em todas as condições de condução. Grande e espaçosa para todos os tipos de carga, a capacidade da Nova ISUZU D-Max é indicada para aplicações profissionais e pessoais.
Com dimensões desenhadas para atacar os mais duros trabalhos, a Nova ISUZU D-MAX é tudo o que necessita para a sua actividade.
Os elevados padrões de qualidade Isuzu na concepção e desenvolvimento de veículos comerciais, aliados a um know how de décadas na produção de motores a diesel, traduzem-se em índices de confiança inabaláveis que oferecemos aos nossos clientes e que se traduzem em 5 anos de garantia integral de fábrica!
A nova versão de lazer On Board está disponível na Gama Cabine Dupla LS (versão manual e automática), na qual se conta com um conjunto de equipamentos de grande valor em termos de conforto e conveniência, nomeadamente, a tecnologia PESS – Passive Entry Start System em conjunto com outras funcionalidades a bordo.
> Alarme
> Ar condicionado Automático
> Passive Entry Start System
> Bancos em Pele
> Bancos eléctricos e aquecidos (condutor e passageiro)
> Estribos laterais prateados
> Badge “On Board” nas portas dianteiras
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